Carbon 3D Printing Service

Carbon has proven itself for its reliability in the toughest of environments, whether you’re looking to use it in low volume production or rapid prototyping Carbon 3D Printing is a great option.

Carbon 3D Printing

Carbon has proven itself for its reliability in the toughest of environments, whether you’re looking to use it in low volume production or rapid prototyping, Carbon 3D Printing is a great option.

A breakthrough resin-based 3D printing process which uses next-gen oxygen-permeable optics with closed-loop control of force and temperature and built-in IR-based resin heating offering engineering-grade materials to produce polymeric parts with exceptional mechanical properties, surface finish and resolution.


What is Carbon 3D Printing?

Using Digital Light Synthesis process is driven by carbons ground-breaking CLIP also known as Continuous Liquid Interface Production – CLIP is a photochemical process that cures liquid plastic resin into solid parts using UV light. How they make this happen is projecting light through an oxygen permeable window into a reservoir of UV-curable resin. As the sequence of UV images is projected, the part solidifies and the build platform subsequently rises.

Carbon has utilised the CLIP process within the ‘dead zone’ meaning parts no longer cure on the window and the resin flows beneath the curing part as the printing progresses, meaning you can avoid having to forcibly peel your part of the window.

With each part delivering isotropic results carbon parts are reinforced with baking in a thermal curing stage and a secondary reaction creates a molecular weaving adding strength in all directions.

What Industries Use Carbon 3D Printing? 

Used across the consumer, automotive and dental industries carbon offers customers most notably carbon works alongside Adidas to produce it’s high performance running shoe where the midsole can’t be produced with traditional manufacturing and utilises Carbon advanced elastomeric materials with its tuneable lattice structure.

Carbon is also very prevalent in the dental industry used by Orthodontics & Aligners


Looking to Produce Multiple Parts?

We can produce anything from one to thousands

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